Missing Middle Work Session at City Council

What: Eugene City Council Missing Middle Work Session
When: Monday, Feburary 26th at 5:30pm (Public Comment Follows at 7:30)
Where: Harris Hall, 125 E. 8th Ave.

How is Eugene going to address our housing crisis? Are we, as a city, actually committed to providing housing choices to residents of all income levels, enhancing access to walkable 20 minute neighborhoods, and ensuring that we do so in a way that helps preserve our natural resources and reduce our climate impact?

Increasing the availability of Missing Middle Housing options in Eugene is a key method to meeting our goals as a community.  But how do we get there?

Watch Council's discussion of Missing Middle on February 26th at 5:30pm.  There will be opportunity for public comment immediately following the work session at 7:30pm.

Not able to attend the session?  Send a comment via email, and watch online.